
MLM HelpYour Success Is In Your Head You Need MLM Help

There is a versein the King James Bible that reads "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive" The challenge with this philosophy or universal truth is that most people tend to only believe in things that they can touch, feel or see. So how do we get our thinking to the point where we believe we can receive that nice new homeWe want to believe that we could be a success but can we or are we just kidding ourselves.When we tell our friends there were to be successful they laugh at us and we feel foolish. And they respond with "well you come back and see me when you get the pink Cadillac". Your friends may scoff at your dream not because they want to hurt your feelings but because they don't believe it's possible. How silly would it be to get plumbing advice from a dentist or dental advice from a plumber so why then do we take advice from our broke friends. They don't want you to get your hopes up only to be disappointed. I have heard hundreds of people say to me: Well I don't want to get my hopes up, because they don't want to be let down." Napoleon Hill once said that if you can hold in your head you can hold it in your hands. It is very obvious that Napoleon Hill believed that if your belief was strong enough that you would receive that which you desired. We all know somebody in our life that has a tendency to bend the truth and believe their own exaggerations. There is not one thing that has ever been built by man but did not first start as an idea or a belief. Imagine having to leaders the first one said we need to start marching right now we have 20 miles of desert across and I want to be there by supper or the second one who states we've got about 20 miles of desert to cross its could be really hot not sure if revealed to make it by supper time hopefully we won't get lost-which leader would you follow. If you believe that you will be a success and you project it to your team it would then follow that you have a higher probability that if you said to your team I'm not sure if I'm revealed to help you very much but I'll do my best. A gentleman by the name of Bob Proctor who starred in Rhonda Byrne's video "The Secret" also believes that we have the ability to attract to us those things to which we desire to have in our life through the power of belief.Bob explains that our mind is composed Iphone 4s Dust proof Plug of a conscious and an unconscious side. He states that the unconscious mind will accept unconditionally as fact anything that it is given. He goes on to say that we don't have to know how we are to receive just that we will. There is not a single superstar athlete that did not have first a dream yet not the ability to actualize it. Napoleon Hill stated that whatever the mind can conceive and believe it shall receive. So when you tell yourself repeatedly that you are going to be a success for a long enough duration your unconscious mind will accept it as fact. Decide what you want your MLM business to provide you and write that down as though you already have received it. As you write it down describe it in as much detail as you can using all of your five senses. Several times each day read it to yourself and over a period of time you will begin to believe that you will achieve. As your belief increases the actions that you're taking to make it happen will start having more success. One of the craziest things that I've noticed about marketing as it is far easier to sign up a second person into my business in one day than it is to sign up the first one. The reason being is that you now believe your success and that success is attracted to you. The more things the you do that successful people do the more you will be successful and you now have momentum occurring led lights in your business.If somebody was to ask you why should I follow you in this business you should be able to give them five or six reasons why doing so makes total sense. It has been said that life is one big game of follow the leader, so if you are to be a success than as a leader you must be attractive enough that people would follow you. Don't be disheartened if it doesn't happen in accordance with your time plan. Brian Tracy says that there is no such thing as a bad goal just bad timelines so be prepared at just the length of time it will take to achieve your goal.

